Monday, January 30, 2006

bored to tears

so, i sit here at work... thinking to myself... could there be anyone more bored than i? oh lord - i'm so bored here at work that i'm actually re-labelling all my files to match each other. i've cleaned my desk approx. 4 times today - ate a whole container of chocolate covered raisins....and i hate chocolate...made fun of maggie more than usual - well, that as fun... haha...emailed everyone in the free world....kill me now - fer gawd sakes! the phone isn't ringing - when it does, it's not for me...will someone atleast call me just once?! PUUUULEASE!!
this day will never end... as the clock hands tick goes forward 2 seconds and falls back another 8..... hummmm.....what's in the news today - nothing....we're all a bunch of chumps - workin' for the man! i need to get outta this place. :) if you have anything we could discuss - email me.... i'm up for any dicussion - take me outta this misery.....


Anonymous said...

Here are some links that I believe will be interested

Anonymous said...

I say briefly: Best! Useful information. Good job guys.

Anonymous said...

Great site lots of usefull infomation here.