Sunday, January 08, 2006

assface & jerkass - meet assface and jerkass - DAVE (left) & MARC (right)...
'apparently' these two chumps think i ramble on tooooo much in my blog. they felt in necessary to tell me during the 1st TORONTO ROCK game of 2006. (go ROCK! even though they lost - in O/T, they still rule...much better stick handling then the LEAFS...the LEAFS, what a bunch of hacks they are!!)
anyway, back to DAVE & MARC. even though these guys are 2 of my closest friends, i'm sure they can with-stand a little beating from lil' ol' me....i mean, MARC did, the other night - eh MARC...drunkin' spadina night...(insert stewie griffin high voice here) anyway, enough about that. they seem to think i have waaaaay to much time on my hands. i mean sure, i might have too much time on my hands - but who cares. i'll ramble as much as i this my legacy if you will - CHUMPS.
ah - i still love ya. as long as you keep making laugh with lame ass comments, rock games and nights of debauchery....i'll stick around. just be prepared MARC, since you forgot my birthday this year - my birthday wish - and the only way to make it up to to have youse guys, DAVE - JODY & season's pass TORONTO ROCK buddies...that, the game WILL come when youse guys will have to stand up, shout and wave yer shirts waaaay above your head - and i'll think of something good to paint on those blinding white chest's of yours.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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