Monday, July 31, 2006

ELVISFEST!!!! 2006

12th Annual ELVISFEST! - Collingwood Ontario, 2006

...the beginning...

many thanks to the guys who we met - (Eddie, Johnny, Alberto, guy in red shirt - who's name I never could remember, another guy named John & Paul) literally 10mins after we walked in the door who bought us drinks/shots all night (and aided in the awesome night of debauchery that followed last call) along with all the money I won in the hands of poker and blackjack at their place! god bless drunken poker!

...a bit later that night...

sweet dreams tiny dancer.... sweet dreams...

...the next day...

there was a great band Saturday night. FREDDY VETTE. alot of fun - lot's of 'blue hairs' gettin' down and dirty with nostalgia of the 50's & 60's....
pure hilarity!

...the last day...

(above, ALICE COOPER ELVIS! hee hee)
**Jul 26 to 30
ELVIS may have left the building, but he has been spotted in the hearts of many folk in Collingwood each summer...the competition includes both professional and non-professional tribute artists. street parties, parades and pancake breakfasts are just some of the events that ran during the weekend festival...
everone was great - but my fave's...
(both of them VERY TALENTED & quite YUMMY!)
Thane - Blue Jumper & Lance - White Jacket/Eyes closed ha-ha

Thursday, July 27, 2006

human beatbox - cool

Click the arrow beside HUMAN BEATBOX! Or cut and paste link above! Enjoy!!!

Saturday, July 08, 2006

comment jerks!

okay - you know those jerks who keep leaving LAME-ASS comments on yer blog?! i got's me one of those... i know who she is and her name is GNATTY LOPEZ... or 'G' as some call her lame-ass burns'y body...
that's her... to the right... big pucker'y lips -
nice NAT, nice... attractive.
you'll get yer's... you know - some of us have lives and can't be blogging every 2 seconds you know. geesh. GWIFF - huhhhhh... that did make me laugh - my nipple pinchers haven't been out in a while. maybe next time yer down - we'll break em' open! eh, G? '...cause - her name was natty, gnatty lopez... she works at a place called the zanzee...she was a showgirl.. and naked oooooooone....'

long 'hiccup' weekends!

...okay - lost my sunglasses, lost my keys.... lost the cat...and lost my virginity - no no...just kidding - i didn't loose my keys... HA HA, kidding - didn't loose my virginity - but i bet someone did that weekend...
you've gotta love long weekends. 3 days full of debauchery, snorting whatever can fit up yer nose and bringing it out on yer tounge to gross people out (fyi, vodka jello shooters sting!)and stoopid drunkin' philosophizing. hummmmmm....
so, okay - about 2 hours after this swim i passed out and burned my face.... below you will see - i'm 'leaning' into MARC cause' i can't stand on my own... truly, one of my finest moments!
burned beyond belief... i believe my nickname all night was ZORRO - on account i passed out in the sun with my sunglasses on and got one wicked ass burn... so the next day - i made sure to pass out in the sun with a tea towel over my forhead and another like a bandito mask... so that way, i was able to burn the not so burned part of my face... now - no more ZORRO

my puppers - lily... my pumpkin... (below)