Monday, January 30, 2006

bored to tears

so, i sit here at work... thinking to myself... could there be anyone more bored than i? oh lord - i'm so bored here at work that i'm actually re-labelling all my files to match each other. i've cleaned my desk approx. 4 times today - ate a whole container of chocolate covered raisins....and i hate chocolate...made fun of maggie more than usual - well, that as fun... haha...emailed everyone in the free world....kill me now - fer gawd sakes! the phone isn't ringing - when it does, it's not for me...will someone atleast call me just once?! PUUUULEASE!!
this day will never end... as the clock hands tick goes forward 2 seconds and falls back another 8..... hummmm.....what's in the news today - nothing....we're all a bunch of chumps - workin' for the man! i need to get outta this place. :) if you have anything we could discuss - email me.... i'm up for any dicussion - take me outta this misery.....

Friday, January 27, 2006

Chris Penn

CHRIS PENN... i love chris penn - so sad to hear about his death. you know, the last time i met chris - he was so much fun! i'm gonna miss you big guy.

Monday, January 23, 2006

Monster Truck Show 2006

so, i went to the monster truck show at ROGERS CENTRE - pphhhfffttttt.... ROGERS CENTRE...we all know it as SKYDOME - fer gawd sakes... leave it as SKYDOME... bunch of pretentious arrogant losers... anyway, i took my nephew... here we are...

it was fun... some drunk loser stumbled out into the field during free-style... was pretty funnay actually, security rushed him off the field just as quickly as he stumbled in... i got it on all film! i've never been to one before - the motorcross freestyle was amazing! those guys blow my mind!!
anyway - here are a couple more pic's to enjoy!


one word to described me this night...TANKED! it was JADE'S birfday... on the 18th... we went to HEY LUCY on king street - 1/2 price martini's.... need i say more... hummmmm, i love martini's and even more so when 1/2 price! i tried every one on the list... haha - well, except for the one's that have banana in it - well, cause - i hate banana's. below are some pic's from that crazy night!
good times, good times.... peeps in pic above.... ME, TINA, ROXY, ZANDRA & JADE

jade and some guy i can't remember
some drunk guy, jade, that other guy and some chick
jade's boy toy, jade, quiet guy, some girl in a brown t-shirt & tall guy
jade and her boo
tah-dah!! our night of debauchery.... many more to come!!
fer sure....!!

Sunday, January 08, 2006

assface & jerkass - meet assface and jerkass - DAVE (left) & MARC (right)...
'apparently' these two chumps think i ramble on tooooo much in my blog. they felt in necessary to tell me during the 1st TORONTO ROCK game of 2006. (go ROCK! even though they lost - in O/T, they still rule...much better stick handling then the LEAFS...the LEAFS, what a bunch of hacks they are!!)
anyway, back to DAVE & MARC. even though these guys are 2 of my closest friends, i'm sure they can with-stand a little beating from lil' ol' me....i mean, MARC did, the other night - eh MARC...drunkin' spadina night...(insert stewie griffin high voice here) anyway, enough about that. they seem to think i have waaaaay to much time on my hands. i mean sure, i might have too much time on my hands - but who cares. i'll ramble as much as i this my legacy if you will - CHUMPS.
ah - i still love ya. as long as you keep making laugh with lame ass comments, rock games and nights of debauchery....i'll stick around. just be prepared MARC, since you forgot my birthday this year - my birthday wish - and the only way to make it up to to have youse guys, DAVE - JODY & season's pass TORONTO ROCK buddies...that, the game WILL come when youse guys will have to stand up, shout and wave yer shirts waaaay above your head - and i'll think of something good to paint on those blinding white chest's of yours.

Friday, January 06, 2006


...friend's... they come they go - they can piss you off, they can annoy you with stupid comments, but I love every inch of mine. This is SOO. 'soo-age' as I use to call her... and i stress USE to call her. i guess when you here it - it's not quite plesant. 'soo-age' 'sewage'. she's great. i've know her for a number of years now. we both work in film. that's all i have to say about that!

MELANIE, ME, PAY & NAT (in front)
ma peeps from university. good times....

Thursday, January 05, 2006


my puppers....
she's driving me crazy...
like i said - when i come home it's squeak squeak squeak! she's incredibly cute huh? she might be driving me crazy but i love her...

anyway, another day - another dime... freakin' work -
i'm ready to bou't slit my wrists... if it weren't for office gossip and my computer for MSN'ing the receptionist JADE downstairs - i'd don't know what i'd do! picture of JADE to come... the trick is to catch people off guard - oh, it's coming JADE - oh, it's coming.
so JOANNE came out of the hospital today from her boobala surgery. i brought her flowers and it was nice to see her in great spirits.... cracking jokes and showing me her new swollen perky beasts. yup, i meant to put beasts. my sister called - she's buying a new house! i'm pretty excited about that - it has a'll be nice to have an 'out of the city' country house where i can invite all my friend's to for a pool/bbq party - you heard that right JODY... we're coming over - chill that beer, break out that blender and salt the rims - margaritas baby! maybe i'm getting a little ahead of IS only january - and WE are in ontario...
(above) ME, MY MA, MY SIS JODY
pretty good looking bunch i must say!
so, i've noticed people checking out my blog - hope you like... keep checking back for more ramblin's of dinky and full on insults of people who tick me this parking infraction guy the other day who saw me park my car at a meter - came up to me because he saw that i didn't put any money in the meter..and i told him i was just going to step into the store to get change for a $5 - because i had no change, he says OK..then as i go to get change - proceeds to give me a ticket...i came out not even a minute later and noticed him writing my plate down...and i was like 'what the f*%@ man... although, i really didn't say f*%@ - it was more like...fer gawd sakes, you told me that it was okay that i go get change..' he says, 'yeah, it was okay to get change but..., i can't void this ticket, i've already begun writing it'. stupid police - not only can they 'NOT' handle the cities violence or criminals....they find themselves focusing on hard working people who maybe park at a meter 5 minutes past the time allotted, or someone who goes through a yellow light - while turning left at some busy intersection that takes forever to turn left from, or someone who has to pick up someone at the airport and is helping someone with their bags from the door and the car gets freakin towed away...while bags in hand...
parking meter cops - Pseudo cops who didn't pass the final exam, but are still 'technically' cops that have to be put somewhere while they wait to take the test again to become 'real' cops...
phftt - cops...patrolling areas like forest hill and pulling over bmw's for not coming to a complete stop at a stop sign @ 4am - with not a soul in sight...when they should be patrolling areas like crack town - keeping a eye on the drug dealing comings & goings - taking the prostitutes to jail rather than get sucked off in some alley way round the bend...i can go on - but my blood's a boilin'...
it's late hungy. i'll be back with more rants and photo's of my closest friends. i'll slowly introduce them to you as the days go on...

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

what the heck -

what the f*@! is a blog.... what does 'blog' really mean? is it a spin off 'blah blah blah' - cause this is a place to shoot yer word vomit - a place to talk about places and people who piss you off (ie. tom cruise and a guy named mavi who works at ROGERS, whom i always seem to get when my freakin' cable box goes down - and annoys the shit outta me cause he has no idea how the 'box' actually works, but keeps me on the line forever while he goes back and forth with someone else about my problem... 'hey mavi' - just put me on with the other guy fer gawd sakes! anyway - serenity now...serenity now...
i've decided to start this blog while here at work... not much is going on... i work in film, and anyone who works in film in canada knows how SLOOOOW it is.... so, i sit here with my coffee, surfin' the net - emailin' and MSN'in ma nerds...
SCRUBS started up last night. great show - actually brilliant show! glad to see that some good tv has finally aired - not this 'HOW WILLIAM SHATNER CHANGED THE WORLD', 'FREDDY' & 'AMBER ALERT' bullshit that knocks off good tv like 'ARRESTED DEVELOPMENT' & 'CURB YOUR ENTHUSIASM'.
so i have a dog named LILY. cute as can be - i'll post pictures... but is driving me crazy... she's got this toy that squeaks. it seems that every time i'm on the the freakin' phone, she digs it out and stands in front of me squeaking that f'in toy... i'm convinced she sees how frustrated i get and purposely squeaks it more than normal to drive me slowly insane... speaking of insane.. i have a friend joanne (TICKLE) as i call her - she also works in film....she's looking for work - anyone have a job?
(above)TICKLE & I thought's go out to her as she tries to find us work...then we'd get some cashola and spend months lying around some hawaiian beach...drinking fruity drinks and cathin' a few waves....
i have a friend turning 40 today - yikes.... i thought i was old... haha - no CATHY, yer not old...
just experienced. (insert semi-colon and right bracket here) we're having drinks tonight at the embassy - that should be fun... haven't seen these peeps in a looooong time! yet again - i'll post the most embarrassing photos...(above)CATHY & I at our friend LEEANNE'S wedding Late 2004
(below)LEEANNE, on her wedding day - ahhhhhhhhhh...

it's also MAGGIE'S 30th today...she's celebrating that milestone in NYC with her ma... i guess the good thing about being with yer ma on yer birthday is that you can get just about anything outta her re: gift wise - nice MAGS, nice - milk that cow!
(above) MAGGIE - the hot little number in the grey dress...
hey guys - she's single!

well that's about it fer today - i think i've rambled on enough for my 1st time.... virgin no more... well until i have sex again and i tell the guy i'm with that i'm am, you know - just to make things more interesting... (once again, insert semi-colon & letter 'p' here)