Sunday, November 19, 2006

nat's brella stinks!

um, nat has an umbrella. it smells like b.o. i would gag if i were to smell it. i wonder how it got to the point of b.o. smelling? is it because nat may have b.o.? me thinks that's why her brella stinks....nat has b.o.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

so much work - so lil' time

so, between my busy schedule - i managed to find time to whoop it up on my b-day... sadly, i don't remember a whole lot...or wait, that might be a good thing... all i know is - i was able to get kicked out of the WHEAT SHEAF - which i thought was impossible to do...then we made our way to VELVET UNDERGROUND, where, once again - got managed to get kicked out of there - THANKS DAWN!! fer gawd sakes... ended up at the HORSESHOE - where i was welcomed with open arms by a gaggle of drunk indians - wait, can i say indians? anyhoo... what a night! enjoy the pics!!! i have begun a new show. a feature. called 'YOUNG PEOPLE FUCKING' - yup, just like the title says - that's all it's about. more to come on this new project soon.