Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The Sharktopus Trailer Should Win The Nobel Prize For Awesome

With all the rockin' movies the past year or so, and admittedly each having its own tent in Awesome City, I feel I must warn you that the small screen's most exciting movie event of the spring just molested my eyes with its tentacles in the new trailer for SyFy's Sharktopus.

As you may recall the film is set to star none other than Mickey Rourke's good buddy Eric Roberts as a research scientist that develops a secret military weapon that is Sharktopus. As with all great movies about a hybrid shark/octupus, the weapon breaks free of control only to wreak havoc on the beaches of Mexico. Why Mexico? Little know fact but Sharktopus loves Tecate, and really, who doesn't? No release date as of yet but will let you know as soon as I do.

I'm not sure who to thank for the best trailer ever besides Tony Danza and the SyFy channel, but whoever is responsible for the amazing theme song should not go unnoticed.

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