Friday, June 08, 2007

paris sucks, wait...that was tooo easy... BAH HAHA!

okay - does this make anyone else as sick as it does me?! fer f's sake!
geez girl! get some balls... it shouldn't be hard - i do know you like them...! there's prolly some guard in there that will keep you safe as he gives it to ya! all jokes aside - here is a girl that should be a role model - but gets caught, not once, but twice drinking and driving - plus driving while her license was suspended... gets sentenced to jail and can't even finish 3 freakin' days! i mean, if i had 3 square meals, and hour of 'yard time', a free bed to sleep in, rent free i might add...and an excuse to slack off...sign me up!! plus, if i act mean enough i could have my own bitch! i can't believe that the girl got outta of jail! her 2.5 days have turned into 5 days served...what kind of treatment is this? wtf!?! what does this show society? it's disgusting! she's disgusting - and i hope she gets sent back to jail and that for her leaving early - when she returns, the judge makes it so she now has to serve the 54 days... enough with the poor baby bullshit - she's a big girl... suck it up paris - you'll be back out whoopin' it up, showin' yer beaver with yer pals and prolly back in the car doing rails off the dash and pounding back the redbull & vodka you have stashed in the console.... wait, do you know what console means? it the bump between the driver seat and the seat beside you... when you lift the top of that bump you can put things in it... neat huh?!
anyway, i came across this from a friend on the inside... HIYA BIG BETTY!!!

Paris Hilton's Diary....
Dear, dear, dear Diary:
All I wanted to do was hug my Mom and they drug me out of the courtroom. I just wanted to hug my Mom before I was drug out of the courtroom. They are really, really, awful. The mean, hateful judge would not even listen to me. What kind of church does he go to where they applauded him for what he did to me. I mean they clapped. That is soooooooooooo mean.

My lawyer is filing a Writ of Mandate this very minute to overturn the mean Judge’s Order. Now the Judge is ordering me to serve 45 days but the Sheriff said I will serve the original 23 days with eighteen left.

My lawyer says there are two hearings coming up on this and I could get out earlier. My lawyer says the minute the appeal is filed I can get out on bail. They are doing that now.

Sheriff Baca clearly said again that the time typically served is three days and I served three days. He also said that I was sentenced longer because I was a celebrity. He refused to send a Sheriff’s car to pick me up at first so we called my driver and then he gave in and sent a car.

I just said, “It is NOT RIGHT,” and it’s NOT. I just did what they said to do. Now I have to stay longer. This Judge is out of control. The Judge just took everything out on me.

Richard Hutton — my attorney — is all over this. This was NOT OUR AGREEMENT!

I am in the medical unit downtown at the twin towers … I am not alone. That’s better. I am getting my medication.

Eighteen days OR LESS. Pray for me. I miss my family soooooooooooo much.

My lawyer said that the Sheriff can just let me go. The problem was that he put be in an ankle bracelet. If he releases me again without an ankle bracelet the Judge cannot do anything.

Sheriff Barca said clearly: “The only thing I can detect as special treatment is the amount of her sentence is the amount of her sentence.” He said this is a low level crime and under our standard release system she would be released after serving ten percent of her time. It is standard policy that women in the county jail for crimes such as mine are released after serving ten percent of their time. Sheriff Barca made it clear I am being discriminated against because of my celebrity.

He does not have to release me under house arrest, he can just release me if he wants. But we are pretty sure I will get bail on Monday pursuant to my appeal.

My publicist keeps on saying think of all the money I will make CHA CHING, CHA CHING, CHA CHING.

I do not need money. I need to be at home. I have more money than I can ever spend. I just want to be home but at least I am not in isolation again. Thank you dear Lord. That was not fair to me. Isolation is an extra punishment and if I were not Paris Hilton … I would not even be in jail … That’s what Sheriff Baca said, that what virtually the entire LA Criminal Bar says, even mean old MSNBC is admitting that now.

Please send letters. I will be stronger tomorrow. It is just hard being put in, taken out, and put back in. Really, hard.

All my love,


Paris H!

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